シニアクラブ三島 シニアクラブ徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和5年度 活動事例(友愛・支え合い)
シニアクラブ三島 シニアクラブ徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和5年度 活動事例(友愛・支え合い) 活動内容 はこちらから  ...
シニアクラブ三島 シニアクラブ徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和5年度 活動事例(友愛・支え合い)
シニアクラブ三島 シニアクラブ徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和5年度 活動事例(友愛・支え合い) 活動内容 はこちらから  ...
シニアクラブ三島 徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和4年度 活動事例(友愛・支え合い)
シニアクラブ三島 徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和4年度 活動事例(友愛・支え合い) 詳しくはこちらから &n...
シニアクラブ三島 徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和3年度 活動事例(仲間づくり)
シニアクラブ三島 徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和3年度 活動事例(仲間づくり)チェックシート詳しくはこちらから 活動内容詳しくはこちらか...
Warning (2): file_get_contents(http://senior-club-shizuokaken.jp/api/side_places/) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found [ROOT/inc/search.php, line 5]Code | Context$supportFile = 'http://' . $_SERVER ['HTTP_HOST'] . '/api/side_supports/';
$placeData = file_get_contents ( $placeFile );
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"modified" => "2022-04-12 08:26:23", "post_type2" => "4" ), "Club" => array( "id" => "667", "name" => "徳倉八乙女会", "initial_kana" => "4", "place_id" => "54", "place_text" => "三島市北田町4-47 三島市役所 長寿政策課高齢者福祉政策室 シニアクラブ三島 事務局", "city_name" => null, "tel" => "055-983-2609", "scorp_of_activity" => "", "body" => "〇仲間づくり<br />〇地域支え合い", "sort_no" => "999", "open_flg" => "1", "open_date" => "2020-06-04 08:40:00", "created" => "2020-06-04 08:41:01", "modified" => "2024-04-23 13:52:08" ), "Label" => array( "name" => "東部" ) ) $placeFile = "http://senior-club-shizuokaken.jp/api/side_places/" $supportFile = "http://senior-club-shizuokaken.jp/api/side_supports/" $http_response_header = array( "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found", "Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 11:24:26 GMT", "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1", "Connection: close", "Vary: Accept-Encoding", "cf-cache-status: DYNAMIC", "Report-To: 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Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 171 [main] - ROOT/main.php, line 86
Warning (2): file_get_contents(http://senior-club-shizuokaken.jp/api/side_supports/) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found [ROOT/inc/search.php, line 10]Code | Context}
$supportData = file_get_contents ( $supportFile );
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=> "2014-09-24 15:37:26", "modified" => "2024-10-16 08:35:36" ), "Support" => array( array() ) ) $isAdminLogin = false $app = array( "site_name" => "シニアクラブ", "site_root_url" => "/", "admin_root_url" => "/admin" ) $selectConfig = array( "open_flg" => array( "公開", "非公開" ), "post_type" => array( "新着活動報告", "地域の活動", "お知らせ(関係機関)", "お知らせ(県連合会)", "老人クラブの活動", "市町連合会の概況", "シニアクラブ静岡県" ), "post_type2" => array( "健康増進", "クラブ活性化", "友愛・支え合い", "仲間づくり", "子育て支援" ), "post_type2_for_index" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "cancel_flg" => array( "キャンセル", "" ), "valid_flg" => array( "有効", "無効" ), "sex" => array( "女性", "男性" ), "youbi" => array( "月", "火", "水", "木", "金", "土", "日" ), "area" => array( "西部" => "西部", "中部" => "中部", "東部" => "東部" ), "act_type" => array( "通常イベント", "協同イベント", "県イベント", "西部", "中部", "東部", "お知らせ", "その他" ), "act_type_for_index" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "act_type_for_area" => array( array(), array(), array() ), "initial_kana" => 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"image16" => "", "image17" => "", "image18" => "", "image19" => "", "image20" => "", "image21" => "", "image22" => "", "image23" => "", "image24" => "", "image25" => null, "act_date" => "2022-03-31 07:00:00", "title" => "シニアクラブ三島 徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和3年度 活動事例(仲間づくり)", "body" => "<h2><span style="color: #ff00ff;"><strong> シニアクラブ三島 徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和3年度 活動事例<br />(仲間づくり)チェックシート<a href="/files/uploads/2022/clubaction/1R3misima(yaotomekai5-2).pdf"><span style="color: #0000ff; background-color: #ffff00;">詳しくはこちらから<br /><br /></span></a></strong></span></h2> <span style="color: #00ff00;"><span style="color: #000000;"> <span style="color: #ff00ff;">活動内容</span><span style="background-color: #ffff00; color: #0000ff;"><a href="/files/uploads/2022/clubaction/1R3misima(yaotomekai6).pdf"><span style="background-color: #ffff00; color: #0000ff;">詳しくはこちらから</span></a></span> <br /></span><br /></span>", "open_flg" => "1", "open_date" => "2022-04-12 08:00:00", "post_type" => "5", "created" => "2022-04-12 08:16:05", "modified" => "2022-04-12 08:26:23", "post_type2" => "4" ), "Club" => array( "id" => "667", "name" => "徳倉八乙女会", "initial_kana" => "4", "place_id" => "54", "place_text" => "三島市北田町4-47 三島市役所 長寿政策課高齢者福祉政策室 シニアクラブ三島 事務局", "city_name" => null, "tel" => "055-983-2609", "scorp_of_activity" => "", "body" => "〇仲間づくり<br />〇地域支え合い", "sort_no" => "999", "open_flg" => "1", "open_date" => "2020-06-04 08:40:00", "created" => "2020-06-04 08:41:01", "modified" => "2024-04-23 13:52:08" ), "Label" => array( "name" => "東部" ) ) $placeFile = "http://senior-club-shizuokaken.jp/api/side_places/" $supportFile = "http://senior-club-shizuokaken.jp/api/side_supports/" $http_response_header = array( "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found", "Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 11:24:26 GMT", "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1", "Connection: close", "Vary: Accept-Encoding", "cf-cache-status: DYNAMIC", "Report-To: 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CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 207 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 171 [main] - ROOT/main.php, line 86
Notice (8): Undefined variable: places [ROOT/inc/search.php, line 61]Code | Context<p class="rev"><<<a href="<?php echo $this->Html->url(array('action' => 'index')); ?>">登録クラブ一覧に戻る</a></p>
<div class="search"><?php include WWW_ROOT."/inc/search.php"; ?></div>
$___viewFn = "/usr/home/aa230qs39h/html/_app/app/views/clubs/detail.ctp" $___dataForView = array( "actList" => array( array(), array(), array() ), "supports" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "club" => array( "Club" => array(), "Place" => array(), "Support" => array() ), "isAdminLogin" => false, "app" => array( "site_name" => "シニアクラブ", "site_root_url" => "/", "admin_root_url" => "/admin" ), "selectConfig" => array( "open_flg" => array(), "post_type" => array(), "post_type2" => array(), "post_type2_for_index" => array(), "cancel_flg" => array(), "valid_flg" => array(), "sex" => array(), "youbi" => array(), "area" => array(), "act_type" => array(), "act_type_for_index" => array(), "act_type_for_area" => array(), "initial_kana" => array(), "kana" => array() ), "currentUser" => null ) $loadHelpers = true $cached = false $form = FormHelper FormHelper::$helpers = array FormHelper::$fieldset = array FormHelper::$__options = array 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=> "2014-09-24 15:37:26", "modified" => "2024-10-16 08:35:36" ), "Support" => array( array() ) ) $isAdminLogin = false $app = array( "site_name" => "シニアクラブ", "site_root_url" => "/", "admin_root_url" => "/admin" ) $selectConfig = array( "open_flg" => array( "公開", "非公開" ), "post_type" => array( "新着活動報告", "地域の活動", "お知らせ(関係機関)", "お知らせ(県連合会)", "老人クラブの活動", "市町連合会の概況", "シニアクラブ静岡県" ), "post_type2" => array( "健康増進", "クラブ活性化", "友愛・支え合い", "仲間づくり", "子育て支援" ), "post_type2_for_index" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "cancel_flg" => array( "キャンセル", "" ), "valid_flg" => array( "有効", "無効" ), "sex" => array( "女性", "男性" ), "youbi" => array( "月", "火", "水", "木", "金", "土", "日" ), "area" => array( "西部" => "西部", "中部" => "中部", "東部" => "東部" ), "act_type" => array( "通常イベント", "協同イベント", "県イベント", "西部", "中部", "東部", "お知らせ", "その他" ), "act_type_for_index" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "act_type_for_area" => array( array(), array(), array() ), "initial_kana" => 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"image16" => "", "image17" => "", "image18" => "", "image19" => "", "image20" => "", "image21" => "", "image22" => "", "image23" => "", "image24" => "", "image25" => null, "act_date" => "2022-03-31 07:00:00", "title" => "シニアクラブ三島 徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和3年度 活動事例(仲間づくり)", "body" => "<h2><span style="color: #ff00ff;"><strong> シニアクラブ三島 徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和3年度 活動事例<br />(仲間づくり)チェックシート<a href="/files/uploads/2022/clubaction/1R3misima(yaotomekai5-2).pdf"><span style="color: #0000ff; background-color: #ffff00;">詳しくはこちらから<br /><br /></span></a></strong></span></h2> <span style="color: #00ff00;"><span style="color: #000000;"> <span style="color: #ff00ff;">活動内容</span><span style="background-color: #ffff00; color: #0000ff;"><a href="/files/uploads/2022/clubaction/1R3misima(yaotomekai6).pdf"><span style="background-color: #ffff00; color: #0000ff;">詳しくはこちらから</span></a></span> <br /></span><br /></span>", "open_flg" => "1", "open_date" => "2022-04-12 08:00:00", "post_type" => "5", "created" => "2022-04-12 08:16:05", "modified" => "2022-04-12 08:26:23", "post_type2" => "4" ), "Club" => array( "id" => "667", "name" => "徳倉八乙女会", "initial_kana" => "4", "place_id" => "54", "place_text" => "三島市北田町4-47 三島市役所 長寿政策課高齢者福祉政策室 シニアクラブ三島 事務局", "city_name" => null, "tel" => "055-983-2609", "scorp_of_activity" => "", "body" => "〇仲間づくり<br />〇地域支え合い", "sort_no" => "999", "open_flg" => "1", "open_date" => "2020-06-04 08:40:00", "created" => "2020-06-04 08:41:01", "modified" => "2024-04-23 13:52:08" ), "Label" => array( "name" => "東部" ) ) $placeFile = "http://senior-club-shizuokaken.jp/api/side_places/" $supportFile = "http://senior-club-shizuokaken.jp/api/side_supports/" $http_response_header = array( "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found", "Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 11:24:26 GMT", "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1", "Connection: close", "Vary: Accept-Encoding", "cf-cache-status: DYNAMIC", "Report-To: 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Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 171 [main] - ROOT/main.php, line 86
Warning (2): Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [ROOT/inc/search.php, line 61]Code | Context<p class="rev"><<<a href="<?php echo $this->Html->url(array('action' => 'index')); ?>">登録クラブ一覧に戻る</a></p>
<div class="search"><?php include WWW_ROOT."/inc/search.php"; ?></div>
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array( "Act" => array(), "Club" => array(), "Label" => array() ), array( "Act" => array(), "Club" => array(), "Label" => array() ), array( "Act" => array(), "Club" => array(), "Label" => array() ) ) $supports = array( array( "Support" => array() ), array( "Support" => array() ), array( "Support" => array() ), array( "Support" => array() ), array( "Support" => array() ), array( "Support" => array() ), array( "Support" => array() ), array( "Support" => array() ) ) $club = array( "Club" => array( "id" => "667", "name" => "徳倉八乙女会", "initial_kana" => "4", "place_id" => "54", "place_text" => "三島市北田町4-47 三島市役所 長寿政策課高齢者福祉政策室 シニアクラブ三島 事務局", "city_name" => null, "tel" => "055-983-2609", "scorp_of_activity" => "", "body" => "〇仲間づくり<br />〇地域支え合い", "sort_no" => "999", "open_flg" => "1", "open_date" => "2020-06-04 08:40:00", "created" => "2020-06-04 08:41:01", "modified" => "2024-04-23 13:52:08" ), "Place" => array( "id" => "54", "name" => "シニアクラブ三島", "area_id" => "3", "sort_no" => "21", "created" => "2014-09-24 15:37:26", "modified" => "2024-10-16 08:35:36" ), "Support" => array( array() ) ) $isAdminLogin = false $app = array( "site_name" => "シニアクラブ", "site_root_url" => "/", "admin_root_url" => "/admin" ) $selectConfig = array( "open_flg" => array( "公開", "非公開" ), "post_type" => array( "新着活動報告", "地域の活動", "お知らせ(関係機関)", "お知らせ(県連合会)", "老人クラブの活動", "市町連合会の概況", "シニアクラブ静岡県" ), "post_type2" => array( "健康増進", "クラブ活性化", "友愛・支え合い", "仲間づくり", "子育て支援" ), "post_type2_for_index" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "cancel_flg" => array( "キャンセル", "" ), "valid_flg" => array( "有効", "無効" ), "sex" => array( "女性", "男性" ), "youbi" => array( "月", "火", "水", "木", "金", "土", "日" ), "area" => array( "西部" => "西部", "中部" => "中部", "東部" => "東部" ), "act_type" => array( "通常イベント", "協同イベント", "県イベント", "西部", "中部", "東部", "お知らせ", "その他" ), "act_type_for_index" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "act_type_for_area" => array( array(), array(), array() ), "initial_kana" => array( "あ行", "か行", "さ行", "た行", "な行", "は行", "ま行", "や行", "ら行", "わ行" ), "kana" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ) ) $currentUser = null $support = array( "id" => "8", "name" => "地域支え合い活動", "body" => "私たちシニアクラブが実践する高齢者の健康づくり、支え合い活動を通じた安心・安全の住みよい地域づくり、仲間づくり等「地域の絆」形成に貢献する活動", "sort_no" => "8", "image_on" => "/files/uploads/icon/icon08_over.jpg", "image_off" => "/files/uploads/icon/icon08.jpg", "created" => "2020-06-01 15:54:39", "modified" => "2021-02-05 08:55:26", "ClubsSupport" => array( "id" => "6468", "club_id" => "667", "support_id" => "8", "created" => null, "modified" => null ) ) $i = "8" $v = array( "Act" => array( "id" => "8091", "club_id" => "667", "act_type" => "7", "image1" => "", "image2" => "", "image3" => "", "image4" => "", "image5" => "", "image6" => "", "image7" => "", "image8" => "", "image9" => "", "image10" => "", "image11" => "", "image12" => "", "image13" => "", "image14" => "", "image15" => "", "image16" => "", "image17" => "", "image18" => "", "image19" => "", "image20" => "", "image21" => "", "image22" => "", "image23" => "", "image24" => "", "image25" => null, "act_date" => "2022-03-31 07:00:00", "title" => "シニアクラブ三島 徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和3年度 活動事例(仲間づくり)", "body" => "<h2><span style="color: #ff00ff;"><strong> シニアクラブ三島 徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和3年度 活動事例<br />(仲間づくり)チェックシート<a href="/files/uploads/2022/clubaction/1R3misima(yaotomekai5-2).pdf"><span style="color: #0000ff; background-color: #ffff00;">詳しくはこちらから<br /><br /></span></a></strong></span></h2> <span style="color: #00ff00;"><span style="color: #000000;"> <span style="color: #ff00ff;">活動内容</span><span style="background-color: #ffff00; color: #0000ff;"><a href="/files/uploads/2022/clubaction/1R3misima(yaotomekai6).pdf"><span style="background-color: #ffff00; color: #0000ff;">詳しくはこちらから</span></a></span> <br /></span><br /></span>", "open_flg" => "1", "open_date" => "2022-04-12 08:00:00", "post_type" => "5", "created" => "2022-04-12 08:16:05", "modified" => "2022-04-12 08:26:23", "post_type2" => "4" ), "Club" => array( "id" => "667", "name" => "徳倉八乙女会", "initial_kana" => "4", "place_id" => "54", "place_text" => "三島市北田町4-47 三島市役所 長寿政策課高齢者福祉政策室 シニアクラブ三島 事務局", "city_name" => null, "tel" => "055-983-2609", "scorp_of_activity" => "", "body" => "〇仲間づくり<br />〇地域支え合い", "sort_no" => "999", "open_flg" => "1", "open_date" => "2020-06-04 08:40:00", "created" => "2020-06-04 08:41:01", "modified" => "2024-04-23 13:52:08" ), "Label" => array( "name" => "東部" ) ) $placeFile = "http://senior-club-shizuokaken.jp/api/side_places/" $supportFile = "http://senior-club-shizuokaken.jp/api/side_supports/" $http_response_header = array( "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found", "Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 11:24:26 GMT", "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1", "Connection: close", "Vary: Accept-Encoding", "cf-cache-status: DYNAMIC", "Report-To: 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Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 171 [main] - ROOT/main.php, line 86
Notice (8): Undefined variable: places [ROOT/inc/search.php, line 67]Code | Context<p class="rev"><<<a href="<?php echo $this->Html->url(array('action' => 'index')); ?>">登録クラブ一覧に戻る</a></p>
<div class="search"><?php include WWW_ROOT."/inc/search.php"; ?></div>
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=> "2014-09-24 15:37:26", "modified" => "2024-10-16 08:35:36" ), "Support" => array( array() ) ) $isAdminLogin = false $app = array( "site_name" => "シニアクラブ", "site_root_url" => "/", "admin_root_url" => "/admin" ) $selectConfig = array( "open_flg" => array( "公開", "非公開" ), "post_type" => array( "新着活動報告", "地域の活動", "お知らせ(関係機関)", "お知らせ(県連合会)", "老人クラブの活動", "市町連合会の概況", "シニアクラブ静岡県" ), "post_type2" => array( "健康増進", "クラブ活性化", "友愛・支え合い", "仲間づくり", "子育て支援" ), "post_type2_for_index" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "cancel_flg" => array( "キャンセル", "" ), "valid_flg" => array( "有効", "無効" ), "sex" => array( "女性", "男性" ), "youbi" => array( "月", "火", "水", "木", "金", "土", "日" ), "area" => array( "西部" => "西部", "中部" => "中部", "東部" => "東部" ), "act_type" => array( "通常イベント", "協同イベント", "県イベント", "西部", "中部", "東部", "お知らせ", "その他" ), "act_type_for_index" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "act_type_for_area" => array( array(), array(), array() ), "initial_kana" => 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"image16" => "", "image17" => "", "image18" => "", "image19" => "", "image20" => "", "image21" => "", "image22" => "", "image23" => "", "image24" => "", "image25" => null, "act_date" => "2022-03-31 07:00:00", "title" => "シニアクラブ三島 徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和3年度 活動事例(仲間づくり)", "body" => "<h2><span style="color: #ff00ff;"><strong> シニアクラブ三島 徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和3年度 活動事例<br />(仲間づくり)チェックシート<a href="/files/uploads/2022/clubaction/1R3misima(yaotomekai5-2).pdf"><span style="color: #0000ff; background-color: #ffff00;">詳しくはこちらから<br /><br /></span></a></strong></span></h2> <span style="color: #00ff00;"><span style="color: #000000;"> <span style="color: #ff00ff;">活動内容</span><span style="background-color: #ffff00; color: #0000ff;"><a href="/files/uploads/2022/clubaction/1R3misima(yaotomekai6).pdf"><span style="background-color: #ffff00; color: #0000ff;">詳しくはこちらから</span></a></span> <br /></span><br /></span>", "open_flg" => "1", "open_date" => "2022-04-12 08:00:00", "post_type" => "5", "created" => "2022-04-12 08:16:05", "modified" => "2022-04-12 08:26:23", "post_type2" => "4" ), "Club" => array( "id" => "667", "name" => "徳倉八乙女会", "initial_kana" => "4", "place_id" => "54", "place_text" => "三島市北田町4-47 三島市役所 長寿政策課高齢者福祉政策室 シニアクラブ三島 事務局", "city_name" => null, "tel" => "055-983-2609", "scorp_of_activity" => "", "body" => "〇仲間づくり<br />〇地域支え合い", "sort_no" => "999", "open_flg" => "1", "open_date" => "2020-06-04 08:40:00", "created" => "2020-06-04 08:41:01", "modified" => "2024-04-23 13:52:08" ), "Label" => array( "name" => "東部" ) ) $placeFile = "http://senior-club-shizuokaken.jp/api/side_places/" $supportFile = "http://senior-club-shizuokaken.jp/api/side_supports/" $http_response_header = array( "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found", "Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 11:24:26 GMT", "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1", "Connection: close", "Vary: Accept-Encoding", "cf-cache-status: DYNAMIC", "Report-To: 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Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 171 [main] - ROOT/main.php, line 86
Warning (2): Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [ROOT/inc/search.php, line 67]Code | Context<p class="rev"><<<a href="<?php echo $this->Html->url(array('action' => 'index')); ?>">登録クラブ一覧に戻る</a></p>
<div class="search"><?php include WWW_ROOT."/inc/search.php"; ?></div>
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=> "2014-09-24 15:37:26", "modified" => "2024-10-16 08:35:36" ), "Support" => array( array() ) ) $isAdminLogin = false $app = array( "site_name" => "シニアクラブ", "site_root_url" => "/", "admin_root_url" => "/admin" ) $selectConfig = array( "open_flg" => array( "公開", "非公開" ), "post_type" => array( "新着活動報告", "地域の活動", "お知らせ(関係機関)", "お知らせ(県連合会)", "老人クラブの活動", "市町連合会の概況", "シニアクラブ静岡県" ), "post_type2" => array( "健康増進", "クラブ活性化", "友愛・支え合い", "仲間づくり", "子育て支援" ), "post_type2_for_index" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "cancel_flg" => array( "キャンセル", "" ), "valid_flg" => array( "有効", "無効" ), "sex" => array( "女性", "男性" ), "youbi" => array( "月", "火", "水", "木", "金", "土", "日" ), "area" => array( "西部" => "西部", "中部" => "中部", "東部" => "東部" ), "act_type" => array( "通常イベント", "協同イベント", "県イベント", "西部", "中部", "東部", "お知らせ", "その他" ), "act_type_for_index" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "act_type_for_area" => array( array(), array(), array() ), "initial_kana" => array( "あ行", "か行", "さ行", "た行", "な行", "は行", "ま行", "や行", "ら行", "わ行" ), "kana" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ) ) $currentUser = null $support = array( "id" => "8", "name" => "地域支え合い活動", "body" => "私たちシニアクラブが実践する高齢者の健康づくり、支え合い活動を通じた安心・安全の住みよい地域づくり、仲間づくり等「地域の絆」形成に貢献する活動", "sort_no" => "8", "image_on" => "/files/uploads/icon/icon08_over.jpg", "image_off" => "/files/uploads/icon/icon08.jpg", "created" => "2020-06-01 15:54:39", "modified" => "2021-02-05 08:55:26", "ClubsSupport" => array( "id" => "6468", "club_id" => "667", "support_id" => "8", "created" => null, "modified" => null ) ) $i = "8" $v = array( "Act" => array( "id" => "8091", "club_id" => "667", "act_type" => "7", "image1" => "", "image2" => "", "image3" => "", "image4" => "", "image5" => "", "image6" => "", "image7" => "", "image8" => "", "image9" => "", "image10" => "", "image11" => "", "image12" => "", "image13" => "", "image14" => "", "image15" => "", "image16" => "", "image17" => "", "image18" => "", "image19" => "", "image20" => "", "image21" => "", "image22" => "", "image23" => "", "image24" => "", "image25" => null, "act_date" => "2022-03-31 07:00:00", "title" => "シニアクラブ三島 徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和3年度 活動事例(仲間づくり)", "body" => "<h2><span style="color: #ff00ff;"><strong> シニアクラブ三島 徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和3年度 活動事例<br />(仲間づくり)チェックシート<a href="/files/uploads/2022/clubaction/1R3misima(yaotomekai5-2).pdf"><span style="color: #0000ff; background-color: #ffff00;">詳しくはこちらから<br /><br /></span></a></strong></span></h2> <span style="color: #00ff00;"><span style="color: #000000;"> <span style="color: #ff00ff;">活動内容</span><span style="background-color: #ffff00; color: #0000ff;"><a href="/files/uploads/2022/clubaction/1R3misima(yaotomekai6).pdf"><span style="background-color: #ffff00; color: #0000ff;">詳しくはこちらから</span></a></span> <br /></span><br /></span>", "open_flg" => "1", "open_date" => "2022-04-12 08:00:00", "post_type" => "5", "created" => "2022-04-12 08:16:05", "modified" => "2022-04-12 08:26:23", "post_type2" => "4" ), "Club" => array( "id" => "667", "name" => "徳倉八乙女会", "initial_kana" => "4", "place_id" => "54", "place_text" => "三島市北田町4-47 三島市役所 長寿政策課高齢者福祉政策室 シニアクラブ三島 事務局", "city_name" => null, "tel" => "055-983-2609", "scorp_of_activity" => "", "body" => "〇仲間づくり<br />〇地域支え合い", "sort_no" => "999", "open_flg" => "1", "open_date" => "2020-06-04 08:40:00", "created" => "2020-06-04 08:41:01", "modified" => "2024-04-23 13:52:08" ), "Label" => array( "name" => "東部" ) ) $placeFile = "http://senior-club-shizuokaken.jp/api/side_places/" $supportFile = "http://senior-club-shizuokaken.jp/api/side_supports/" $http_response_header = array( "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found", "Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 11:24:26 GMT", "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1", "Connection: close", "Vary: Accept-Encoding", "cf-cache-status: DYNAMIC", "Report-To: 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Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 171 [main] - ROOT/main.php, line 86
Notice (8): Undefined variable: places [ROOT/inc/search.php, line 73]Code | Context<p class="rev"><<<a href="<?php echo $this->Html->url(array('action' => 'index')); ?>">登録クラブ一覧に戻る</a></p>
<div class="search"><?php include WWW_ROOT."/inc/search.php"; ?></div>
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=> "2014-09-24 15:37:26", "modified" => "2024-10-16 08:35:36" ), "Support" => array( array() ) ) $isAdminLogin = false $app = array( "site_name" => "シニアクラブ", "site_root_url" => "/", "admin_root_url" => "/admin" ) $selectConfig = array( "open_flg" => array( "公開", "非公開" ), "post_type" => array( "新着活動報告", "地域の活動", "お知らせ(関係機関)", "お知らせ(県連合会)", "老人クラブの活動", "市町連合会の概況", "シニアクラブ静岡県" ), "post_type2" => array( "健康増進", "クラブ活性化", "友愛・支え合い", "仲間づくり", "子育て支援" ), "post_type2_for_index" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "cancel_flg" => array( "キャンセル", "" ), "valid_flg" => array( "有効", "無効" ), "sex" => array( "女性", "男性" ), "youbi" => array( "月", "火", "水", "木", "金", "土", "日" ), "area" => array( "西部" => "西部", "中部" => "中部", "東部" => "東部" ), "act_type" => array( "通常イベント", "協同イベント", "県イベント", "西部", "中部", "東部", "お知らせ", "その他" ), "act_type_for_index" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "act_type_for_area" => array( array(), array(), array() ), "initial_kana" => 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"image16" => "", "image17" => "", "image18" => "", "image19" => "", "image20" => "", "image21" => "", "image22" => "", "image23" => "", "image24" => "", "image25" => null, "act_date" => "2022-03-31 07:00:00", "title" => "シニアクラブ三島 徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和3年度 活動事例(仲間づくり)", "body" => "<h2><span style="color: #ff00ff;"><strong> シニアクラブ三島 徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和3年度 活動事例<br />(仲間づくり)チェックシート<a href="/files/uploads/2022/clubaction/1R3misima(yaotomekai5-2).pdf"><span style="color: #0000ff; background-color: #ffff00;">詳しくはこちらから<br /><br /></span></a></strong></span></h2> <span style="color: #00ff00;"><span style="color: #000000;"> <span style="color: #ff00ff;">活動内容</span><span style="background-color: #ffff00; color: #0000ff;"><a href="/files/uploads/2022/clubaction/1R3misima(yaotomekai6).pdf"><span style="background-color: #ffff00; color: #0000ff;">詳しくはこちらから</span></a></span> <br /></span><br /></span>", "open_flg" => "1", "open_date" => "2022-04-12 08:00:00", "post_type" => "5", "created" => "2022-04-12 08:16:05", "modified" => "2022-04-12 08:26:23", "post_type2" => "4" ), "Club" => array( "id" => "667", "name" => "徳倉八乙女会", "initial_kana" => "4", "place_id" => "54", "place_text" => "三島市北田町4-47 三島市役所 長寿政策課高齢者福祉政策室 シニアクラブ三島 事務局", "city_name" => null, "tel" => "055-983-2609", "scorp_of_activity" => "", "body" => "〇仲間づくり<br />〇地域支え合い", "sort_no" => "999", "open_flg" => "1", "open_date" => "2020-06-04 08:40:00", "created" => "2020-06-04 08:41:01", "modified" => "2024-04-23 13:52:08" ), "Label" => array( "name" => "東部" ) ) $placeFile = "http://senior-club-shizuokaken.jp/api/side_places/" $supportFile = "http://senior-club-shizuokaken.jp/api/side_supports/" $http_response_header = array( "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found", "Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 11:24:26 GMT", "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1", "Connection: close", "Vary: Accept-Encoding", "cf-cache-status: DYNAMIC", "Report-To: 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Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 171 [main] - ROOT/main.php, line 86
Warning (2): Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [ROOT/inc/search.php, line 73]Code | Context<p class="rev"><<<a href="<?php echo $this->Html->url(array('action' => 'index')); ?>">登録クラブ一覧に戻る</a></p>
<div class="search"><?php include WWW_ROOT."/inc/search.php"; ?></div>
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=> "2014-09-24 15:37:26", "modified" => "2024-10-16 08:35:36" ), "Support" => array( array() ) ) $isAdminLogin = false $app = array( "site_name" => "シニアクラブ", "site_root_url" => "/", "admin_root_url" => "/admin" ) $selectConfig = array( "open_flg" => array( "公開", "非公開" ), "post_type" => array( "新着活動報告", "地域の活動", "お知らせ(関係機関)", "お知らせ(県連合会)", "老人クラブの活動", "市町連合会の概況", "シニアクラブ静岡県" ), "post_type2" => array( "健康増進", "クラブ活性化", "友愛・支え合い", "仲間づくり", "子育て支援" ), "post_type2_for_index" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "cancel_flg" => array( "キャンセル", "" ), "valid_flg" => array( "有効", "無効" ), "sex" => array( "女性", "男性" ), "youbi" => array( "月", "火", "水", "木", "金", "土", "日" ), "area" => array( "西部" => "西部", "中部" => "中部", "東部" => "東部" ), "act_type" => array( "通常イベント", "協同イベント", "県イベント", "西部", "中部", "東部", "お知らせ", "その他" ), "act_type_for_index" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "act_type_for_area" => array( array(), array(), array() ), "initial_kana" => array( "あ行", "か行", "さ行", "た行", "な行", "は行", "ま行", "や行", "ら行", "わ行" ), "kana" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ) ) $currentUser = null $support = array( "id" => "8", "name" => "地域支え合い活動", "body" => "私たちシニアクラブが実践する高齢者の健康づくり、支え合い活動を通じた安心・安全の住みよい地域づくり、仲間づくり等「地域の絆」形成に貢献する活動", "sort_no" => "8", "image_on" => "/files/uploads/icon/icon08_over.jpg", "image_off" => "/files/uploads/icon/icon08.jpg", "created" => "2020-06-01 15:54:39", "modified" => "2021-02-05 08:55:26", "ClubsSupport" => array( "id" => "6468", "club_id" => "667", "support_id" => "8", "created" => null, "modified" => null ) ) $i = "8" $v = array( "Act" => array( "id" => "8091", "club_id" => "667", "act_type" => "7", "image1" => "", "image2" => "", "image3" => "", "image4" => "", "image5" => "", "image6" => "", "image7" => "", "image8" => "", "image9" => "", "image10" => "", "image11" => "", "image12" => "", "image13" => "", "image14" => "", "image15" => "", "image16" => "", "image17" => "", "image18" => "", "image19" => "", "image20" => "", "image21" => "", "image22" => "", "image23" => "", "image24" => "", "image25" => null, "act_date" => "2022-03-31 07:00:00", "title" => "シニアクラブ三島 徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和3年度 活動事例(仲間づくり)", "body" => "<h2><span style="color: #ff00ff;"><strong> シニアクラブ三島 徳倉八乙女会の活動 令和3年度 活動事例<br />(仲間づくり)チェックシート<a href="/files/uploads/2022/clubaction/1R3misima(yaotomekai5-2).pdf"><span style="color: #0000ff; background-color: #ffff00;">詳しくはこちらから<br /><br /></span></a></strong></span></h2> <span style="color: #00ff00;"><span style="color: #000000;"> <span style="color: #ff00ff;">活動内容</span><span style="background-color: #ffff00; color: #0000ff;"><a href="/files/uploads/2022/clubaction/1R3misima(yaotomekai6).pdf"><span style="background-color: #ffff00; color: #0000ff;">詳しくはこちらから</span></a></span> <br /></span><br /></span>", "open_flg" => "1", "open_date" => "2022-04-12 08:00:00", "post_type" => "5", "created" => "2022-04-12 08:16:05", "modified" => "2022-04-12 08:26:23", "post_type2" => "4" ), "Club" => array( "id" => "667", "name" => "徳倉八乙女会", "initial_kana" => "4", "place_id" => "54", "place_text" => "三島市北田町4-47 三島市役所 長寿政策課高齢者福祉政策室 シニアクラブ三島 事務局", "city_name" => null, "tel" => "055-983-2609", "scorp_of_activity" => "", "body" => "〇仲間づくり<br />〇地域支え合い", "sort_no" => "999", "open_flg" => "1", "open_date" => "2020-06-04 08:40:00", "created" => "2020-06-04 08:41:01", "modified" => "2024-04-23 13:52:08" ), "Label" => array( "name" => "東部" ) ) $placeFile = "http://senior-club-shizuokaken.jp/api/side_places/" $supportFile = "http://senior-club-shizuokaken.jp/api/side_supports/" $http_response_header = array( "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found", "Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 11:24:26 GMT", "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1", "Connection: close", "Vary: Accept-Encoding", "cf-cache-status: DYNAMIC", "Report-To: 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Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 171 [main] - ROOT/main.php, line 86